Saturday, April 28, 2012

Swallow Your Pride...

     The time had come for me to tell HER about my situation.  I got kicked out of my hotel room because i didn't have the money to pay for it.  I had nowhere to go here because everyone that I had known had already gone back to the states.  I walked around aimlessly that day.  What's to come of me?  I stopped and sat on a bench that was on the sidewalk.  I needed to think of a way to get some money.  And I needed to kill some time.  Family members that could help had done so already.  There was a foreign church that I would go to almost every Sunday and pray.  It was situated at the top of a hill.  I never went to service there because the pastor didn't speak English.  Church was a part of my life growing up so praying wasn't strange to me.  I walked up to that church after I got tired of sitting.  When I opened the door, I found a seat, then bowed my head and prayed.  'Dear LORD, thank YOU for everything that YOU have done for me.  Please look after my family and friends and make sure they are safe.  Please make sure that they know that I love them.  If ever I needed YOUR help LORD it's right now...'  Somewhere in the middle of my prayer, I fell asleep because I was physically and mentally exhausted.  When I woke up, I gathered my composure and walked to an ATM to check my account.  I was surprised to see that I had enough money to get a cheap room for a couple of nights.  Then, I made a decision that would end up being an important milestone in our young relationship.  I decided to tell my PRINCESS all about my struggles and ask for HER help...

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